Parish Council Office, 1A The High Street, Langton Matravers, Dorset BH19 3HA 01929 425100

Local Businesses

The following are all local businesses that reside within the boundary of the Parish of Langton Matravers. The Council encourages the support of these local businesses but does not have any responsibility for the running of these businesses or for any service/produce supplied. The Parish Council also does not have any responsibility for the content of their websites.

The Kings Arms

The Kings ArmsTraditional Dorset free house in centre of village with garden serving great food with a good range of Real Ales, Cider, Chilled Beers and wine.
High Street, Langton Matravers, 01929 422979

Putlake Adventure Farm Centre

Putlake Adventure Farm CentreChildren's Adventure Farm, Pet and Garden Centre, Rural Camping and Poppy Tea Rooms
High Street, Langton Matravers, 01929 422917

Burngate Stone Carving Centre

Burngate Stone Carving CentreProvides facilities and expert tuition for traditional stone carving skills for people of all ages and abilities.Courses in stone carving, sculpture, letter carving and much more.
Kingston Road, Langton Matravers, 01929 439405