Parish Council Office, 1A The High Street, Langton Matravers, Dorset BH19 3HA 01929 425100

Information available from the Council

Langton Matravers Parish Council

Freedom of Information Act 2000
Publication Scheme

The following information is available to Members of the Public upon demand to The Clerk, Langton Matravers Parish Council, Upper Flat, ‘Palafox’, The Hyde, Langton Matravers, SWANAGE, Dorset, BH19 3HE. If photocopies of documents listed below are required a charge of 50pence per A4 sheet will be made.

A. Core Classes of Information

1. Council Internal Practice and Procedure

(a) Minutes of all Council Meetings and Meetings of the Council’s Planning Committee held during the past two years.

(b) Procedural Standing Orders of the Council and of the Council’s Planning Committee.

(c) Reports from the Parish Council to Parish Meetings.

(d) Agenda and Clerk’s Report for forthcoming Council Meeting and Agenda of forthcoming Meeting of the Council’s Planning Committee.

2. Code of Conduct

(a) Members’ Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

(b) Members’ Register of Interests.

(c) Register Book recording Members’ Declarations of Interest.

3. Periodic Electoral Review

(a) Any future proposals for creation of Wards or the names thereof.

(b) Any future proposals to alter the number of councillors to be elected.

(c) Any future proposal to change the electoral boundaries.

4. Employment Practice and Procedure

(a) Terms and Conditions or employment of the two Council employees.

5. Planning Documents

(a) Council’s comments on planning applications.

(b) Outline of the Parish Plan.

6. Audit and Accounts

(a) Copy of the Annual Return Form for the previous financial year.

(b) Annual Statutory Report by the External Auditor on the Accounts of the previous financial year.

(c) Annual Report of the Internal Auditor for the previous financial year.

(d) Receipt and Payments Ledger for the previous financial year.

(e) All Receipt Books, Bank Statements, Paying-in books and Cheque-stubs for the previous financial year.

(f) Details of Precept request for the previous and current financial years.

(g) VAT Records for the previous financial year.

(h) Financial Standing Orders and Regulations.

(i) Assets Register.

(j) Risk Assessment for the previous financial year.

(k) Table of Fees and Regulations concerning the Council’s Cemetery.

(l) Records of Annual Safety Inspection of Play Area by ROSPA.

(m) Register of Members’ Allowances.

B. Optional Classes of Information

1. Development and Implementation of Policy

(a) Policy Statements issued by the Council.

2. Byelaws

(a) Regulations concerning Children and Dogs at the Council’s Cemetery.

3. Council Publications

(a) Parish Statistics Booklet published by the Council.

(b) Information Sheet published by the Council.

4. Burial Ground

(a) Plan of the Council’s Cemetery.

(b) General Policy on the future maintenance of the Council’s Cemetery.

15.11.2002. R.J. Saville (Clerk to the Council).

This Scheme was formally approved by the Council at its meeting on 14.11.2002.