Langton Matravers Parish Council
1. Employment.
Any advertisement for employment of Clerk, Responsible Finance Officer, Internal Auditor, Cemetery Caretaker or any individual or firm to carry out any sort of work for the Council would treat every applicant or quotation in exactly the same way, without any discrimination on grounds of race, religion, colour or ethnic origin.
2. Planning.
Any comment sent to the District Council concerning any development plan would be formulated and voted upon without any discrimination on grounds of race, religion, colour or ethnic origin.
3. Housing.
Any applicant to occupy one of the two Timson Trust Almshouses would be dealt with fairly and without any discrimination on grounds of race, religion, colour or ethnic origin.
4. Complaints.
Any complaint from any parishioner or visitor would be dealt with without any kind of discrimination, whether towards the complainant or the person or persons complained of.
5. Cemetery.
Allocation of burial plots or permits for memorials or the proposed inscriptions to be placed upon memorials in the Council’s cemetery will be dealt with without any discrimination of any sort.
6. Education.
Any Governor or Manager of St. George’s CE VA First School or Primary School to be nominated by the Council as a Minor Authority shall give an undertaking before his or her nomination to act in the capacity of Governor or Manager without discrimination on grounds of race, religion, colour or ethnic origin.
7. Children’s Play Facilities.
All Play Areas and associated play equipment provided by the Council shall be freely used by any child without discrimination of any kind.
8. The Council.
Any applicant for election or co-option to Membership of the Council or of any of its Committees shall be barred from making any discriminatory utterance or action when acting on behalf of the Council.
In all Resolutions or Policy Statements formulated at Meetings of the Parish Council or at Meetings of any of its Committees there shall be no discrimination of any sort.
10. This policy on Ethnic Communities shall be reviewed every three years.
13.10.2005 by Resolution of Council R.J. Saville (Clerk to the Council).