Parish Council Office, 1A The High Street, Langton Matravers, Dorset BH19 3HA 01929 425100

The Grant of 20 mph.

After a long and at times difficult campaign, the village has received approval for the imposition of a 20 mph ‘Zone’ as indicated by the map below.  A huge ‘Thank you’ is due to the 50+ of you who responded to the Traffic Regulating Order, published by Dorset Council and required by law, without which it is unlikely that the change in the speed limit would have been approved .  The implementation of the 20mph will take place early in the next financial year (April/May), once the street signs are ready.   The exact date of implementation will be announced on the PC website.

Congratulations and well done Langton Matravers on becoming one of the first villages in the Dorset Council area to be granted 20 mph.

Ian Vaughan-Arbuckle

Click here to view the 20 mph route map

Click here to read the Swanage News article.