Parish Council Office, 1A The High Street, Langton Matravers, Dorset BH19 3HA 01929 425100

Wessex Water – Road Closure B3069

Why are we carrying out this work?
The current main is deteriorating, leading to a significant number of bursts and water discolouration and causing inconvenience and disruption to customers in the area.
Wessex Water is investing nearly £150,000 to install new plastic pipes, ensuring you have improved water quality and a more reliable source for years to come.
We’ll also be relocating another small section of water main to significantly reduce the risk of flooding affecting properties within the vicinity.

How long will this work last ?
The scheme is scheduled to last for 10 weeks, from Monday 8 January to Friday 8 March 2024.

Which roads will be affected ?
A rolling road closure will be in place on the B3069 (Coombe Hill), starting at Serrells Mead and working back towards Steppes.
For the final three weeks, three-way traffic lights will be in place at the junction with Steppes as we finish our scheme opposite the parish council offices.
In addition, three-way traffic lights will also be in place for one day only towards the end of the scheme at the junction with Serrells Mead to complete connections.

Why do we need to close the road?
There are a number of other utilities present within the road, meaning we are unable to lay the main to one side. The full road closure is necessary to ensure the safety of the public and our work force.

What are we doing to minimise disruption?
As the B3069 is the main road through the village of Langton Matravers, we recognise the inconvenience this scheme will cause the local community, for which we apologise. We’ve worked closely with the highways authority, Dorset Council, to agree a planned diversion route for traffic.
This will use the B3069 via Kingston and the A351 Valley Road. Large vehicle messaging boards will be in place at the B3039/A351 junctions at Corfe Castle and west of Swanage to inform road users.
Cyclists and pedestrians will have access safely through our work area.

This closure will affect public transport routes. How will this be managed?
We have contributed towards the local bus company’s costs to introduce a ‘shuttle service’ for the duration of our scheme, taking passengers to/from Corfe Castle to connect with the regular service. The service to take children to and from schools will be maintained.

Why can’t the road be opened at the end of each day?
Reopening the road at the end of each day would be impossible due to the location of the new main to be laid is close to the centre of the carriageway.
Reopening the road at the end of each day is impossible in this case, as the excavation for the new water main will be close to the middle of the road.
We are planning these works in a way that minimises the impact on the local community, road users and pedestrians and our construction team as much as possible.

Will it be noisy and what measures are you taking to minimise this?
Due to the nature of the work required there may be some noise disruption but our team will be working hard to keep this to a minimum. The scheme will generally be restricted to working hours only (8am-5pm) although there may be the occasional need for work outside these times due to the nature of the project.

Will I still be able to access my home or business while the work is being carried out?
Access and exits to and from all properties will be maintained for residents, businesses and Emergency services, although the direction of travel may be affected times. Should you have any issues, concerns or specific access requests, please contact our onsite team who will be able to assist you.

Will the work disrupt waste and recycling collections and postal services and other deliveries?
Dorset Council will be contacting their waste and recycling collection services with full details of the closures to ensure they can plan accordingly.

How will emergency vehicles get through the closure?
Emergency services will always have access and will be informed of our closure, allowing them to plan accordingly.

Why can’t works be carried out at night?
Some elements of the works are likely to be noisy and would require lighting. This would create a disturbance which would be unfair on residents.

How are you informing the local and wider community ?
As well as the vehicle messaging boards mentioned above, updates on progress and any changes will be managed via Wessex Water’s website and social media channels. If anyone has any questions, they can contact us via the details below.

Where do I go for more information?

If you have any questions, please call our customer services team on 0345 600 4 600 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm, emergencies at other times). There is also plenty of advice online including frequently asked questions and help from our web chat team.