The Council held an Extraordinary Planning Meeting on Tuesday 17th December in the Village Hall. Decisions were made as below.
Planning Applications.
a) 6/2019/0656 Ms Sarah Foot, Crack Lane, Langton Matravers, BH19 3EF.Outline application on a rural exception site for a development of 8 dwellings (6 affordable & 2 open market) with details of access (all other matters reserved)
It was RESOLVED: To ask Dorset Cllr Brooks to put the application forward for decision by Planning Committee rather than a delegated planning officer.
It was RESOLVED: That this Council has No Objection to the development, other than:
- Access should be a Reserved Matter and not be approved as part of the Outline application.
The following Planning Conditions should apply:
- Biodiversity. Appropriate mitigation should be provided to minimise light pollution and other biodiversity matters which could adversely affect fauna.
- Trees. All trees removed should be replaced on a 3 for 1 basis, with British Native Species not less than 3.5m high.
- Carbon Neutrality. The development should be broadly carbon neutral and where possible, renewable energy sources should be used.
- Emerging Policy. The emerging PLP Second Homes policy should apply.
It was further RESOLVED: To ask the Planning Committee to look at all three current planning applications for Langton Matravers (6/2019/0656, Crack Lane; 6/2019/0604, Old Malthouse; 6/2018/0606, Spyway Orchard) together as related matters, within the context of the village as a whole.
It was further RESOLVED: To ask for a meeting with Highways/Traffic Planning personnel about the state of Crack Lane, to see what can be done to improve its condition: this will be necessary before any development goes ahead.
b) TWA/2019/263 Mr Bath, 1 Old Malthouse Lane, Langton Matravers, BH19 3JA. (T1) Ash – re-pollard to previous pollard points – District of Purbeck (Old Malthouse Lane, Langton Matravers) TPO 2014 (Ref. TPO 439). No Objection.
- Receive planning decisions affecting this parish since the last Parish Council Meeting:
a) 6/2019/0509 Cobb and Legg, Putlake Adventure Farm, B3069 Crack Lane To Steppes Hill, Langton Matravers, BH19 3EU. Alterations to shop/post office footprint. Erect pitched roof over with roof lights, alterations to doors & windows. No objection
b) 6/2019/0580 Ms Claire van Kampen, Victoria Cottage, The Lane, Acton, Langton Matravers, Swanage, BH19 3JS. Install photovoltaic panels installation on south facing roof slope, air source heat pump and electrical charging point on driveway – Certificate of lawfulness (proposed). No Objection.
Full draft Minutes of the meeting will be posted in due course.
Merry Christmas !