The following elections are taking place in May 2024:
- Dorset Council election for 82 member seats
- Elections for all 150+ parish and town councils across the Dorset Council area – some 1500 seats
- Five-year term of office 2024-2029 (then returning to 4-year cycle)
- Changes to some parish boundaries and town/parish wards following the Community Governance Reviews
- Possible Parliamentary election (4 constituencies) – this is not confirmed and would only become known 4 to 5 weeks before 2 May
Resources to Download and Important Links:
- The Dorset Association of Parish and Town Council
- The video link to share that helps candidates ‘get it right first time’ when filling in their nomination forms: Nomination Form Video Guide
- The Electoral Commission
- Where you can find all the key up to date elections information: Dorset Council Elections Team Webpages
- Where you can find guidance from the Electoral Commission specifically about the criteria for standing: The Electoral Commission
- Where you can find out about the pre-election period and what councils need to be mindful of: The LGA guidance on the pre-election period
- A document highlighting the key changes under the Elections Act 2022
- Dorset Council Information for anyone interested in standing for election can be found on the dorsetforyou website.