Draft notes of a closed informal meeting between members of LMPC and the Old Malthouse (Purbeck Ltd) about proposed development on OMH land, 19th August 2019.
Langton Matravers Parish Council > Latest News > Draft notes of a closed informal meeting between members of LMPC and the Old Malthouse (Purbeck Ltd) about proposed development on OMH land, 19th August 2019.
On 19th August LMPC Cllrs met a team from OMH(Purbeck Ltd) to hear about their plans for part of the Old Malthouse site; these are likely to come up through the Planning process for consultation in the Autumn, though plans are not yet in the public domain.
Notes of informal closed meeting between members of Langton Matravers Parish Council and representatives of Old Malthouse (Purbeck Ltd)