Parish Council Office, 1A The High Street, Langton Matravers, Dorset BH19 3HA 01929 425100

Extraordinary Planning Meeting, 7th November, 7pm St George’s Church.


As Dorset Council has changed its timing policy for receiving Planning comments from Parish Councils from a 28 to a 21-day time limit, LMPC  held an extra meeting so that members of the public had the opportunity to be involved in the Council’s decision-making on planning matters. The DRAFT Minutes of the meeting are as follows:

Minutes of an Extraordinary Planning Meeting held in St George’s Church on Thursday 7th November 2019 at 7 pm.

Present: Cllr W Knight in the Chair, Cllrs P Christie, P White, P Loudoun, N Harding, A Bell, M Lovell.

There were 12 members of the public present.

The meeting was audio-recorded.

  1. Apologies for absence. Cllr Vaughan-Arbuckle, Cllr Pearson.
  2. Declarations of Interest / Grant of Dispensations. Cllr Loudoun, Item 4d, applicant; Cllr Christie, Item 4c, friend of applicant.
  3. Public Participation Period. The meeting was adjourned for this agenda item.

There were no written comments from members of the public on any of the plans below.

  1. a) Bob Clyde said that he was concerned that no new application should go through at Putlake without the proviso that the new shop has a Post Office within it.

The meeting was reconvened.

  1. Planning Matters.

As the plan before Council still includes provision for the Post Office within the shop space, and is only an amendment to the structure of the building, Cllrs noted Mr Clyde’s concerns and proceeded with discussing the plan itself.

a) 6/2019/0509 Cobb and Legg, Putlake Adventure Farm, B3069 Crack Lane To Steppes Hill, Langton Matravers, BH19 3EU. Alterations to shop/post office footprint. Erect pitched roof over with roof lights, alterations to doors & windows. No objection

b) 6/2019/0580 Ms Claire van Kampen, Victoria Cottage, The Lane, Acton, Langton Matravers, Swanage, BH19 3JS. Install photovoltaic panels installation on south facing roof slope, air source heat pump and electrical charging point on driveway – Certificate of lawfulness (proposed). We understand that we have not been invited to comment, but had we been invited to comment, we would have agreed ‘No Objection’.

c) 6/2019/0601 Mr Merrick, Headbury, Old Malthouse Lane, Langton Matravers, BH19 3JA. Non material amendment to planning permission 6/2019/0291 (Erect two storey side extension and a single storey side extension) to enlarge landing window in the rear elevation and increase the number of solar panels on the roof. Add internal doors to the music room. No Objection to amendment.

 Cllr Loudoun left the meeting.

d) TWA/2019/234 Mr Paul Loudoun, Capitol House, Mount Pleasant Lane, Langton Matravers, BH19 3HY. (T1) Sycamore – crown lift to 4-5m, prune off BT line to leave 1-2m clearance, prune to leave a 2m clearance from property – District of Purbeck (The Old Malthouse School No.1) TPO 2007 (Ref. TPO 332) & Langton Matravers Conservation Area. Approve work proposed.

5. Receive planning decisions affecting this parish since the last Parish Council Meeting:

a) TWA/2019/178 Mr Simon Ferris, the Rectory, St Georges Close, Langton Matravers, BH19 3HZ. (T1) Horse chestnut – reduce to approximately 12m in height and raise canopy over graveyard to approximately 3m – District of Purbeck (The Rectory, St Georges Close, Langton Matravers) TPO 2015 (Ref. TPO 446). TPO Consent

  1. Other business relevant to Planning:. Cllr Knight explained the reason for the extraordinary meeting, that Dorset Council will now only allow 21 days to Parish Councils for responses to planning applications, rather than the previous 28. He will be proposing on behalf of LMPC at the DAPTC AGM on 9th November that a) DAPTC lobby central govt to make T&PCs statutory consultees for all planning applications, and b) that DAPTC lobby Dorset Council to allow all T&PCs 28 days to respond to applications. Cllr Christie will be proposing on behalf of LMPC that DAPTC lobby Dorset Council to change their tree policy so that any Native British Species to be removed as a result of development be replaced elsewhere on the site at a rate of 3 NBS trees for every 1 removed. If there is not room on the site, the developer should plant those replacement trees elsewhere in the parish.

Cllr Knight thanked everyone for their attendance.


The meeting closed at 7.35pm.