In the Spring the Council circulated a traffic and parking questionnaire. The working group has met to consider the responses, and to make proposals. Owing to Council elections and weight of business, these have not yet been debated at a full Council meeting, nor any decisions made: we hope to do this at the July meeting. This is the main text of the report (recommendations of the group in bold type):
‘Aim – To suggest actions to alleviate areas of concern raised by respondents to the recent Traffic/Parking Questionnaire, and other complaints to the Parish Council.
During our deliberations, we were mindful to minimize harmful/annoying effects to residents of the village while improving safety and maintaining access to the areas in question.
Areas to Address:
“Do you think we need double yellow lines on south side of High Street from the Hyde to Putlake?”
Recommend: That the Parish Council (PC) should request Dorset Council Highways (DCH) to provide double yellow lines on south side of the High Street to extend from the junction with the Hyde to opposite the junction of the High Street and Crack Lane.
It was unanimously agreed that forthcoming car park extension at Putlake Farm would probably remove the problem of dangerous car parking in that area of the High Street, though we would suggest careful monitoring of situation, and do not rule out revisiting this in the future.
“Do you think we need double yellow lines on west side of Durnford Drove?”
Recommend: That the PC should request DCH to provide double yellow lines on the entire East side of Durnford Drove.
Having taken into account comments from residents, we agree that this would improve access for emergency/utility vehicles whilst not preventing residents using their driveways.
“Should the double yellow lines be extended east of the Durnford Drove junction with the High Street?”
Recommend: That the PC should request DCH to extend double yellow lines Eastwards on the South side of the High Street from the junction of Durnford Drove by 20 metres (adjacent to gutter downpipe between Nos. 69 and 71 High Street).
We feel this is the minimum length to obtain sufficient visibility to allow safe access for vehicles exiting the Drove.
“Do you think we need double yellow lines on south side of Gypshayes?”
Recommend: No action at this time, though situation should be monitored by residents.
We are aware that residents normally park on the North side of Gypshayes, and we agreed that word of mouth and common sense should prevail. We may revisit this again should residents request any future further action.
“Do you think a mini roundabout at junction of High St. and Durnford Drove would alleviate access and also help to reduce speed through the village?”
Recommend: No action at this time.
Though this suggestion received a high approval rating, the logistics of providing a painted roundabout with respect of the proximity of two bus stops would, we feel, negate the idea. If PC/residents would like to pursue this suggestion, an opinion could be sought from DCH.
Response to “Suggestions and Comments”
NT Car Park at Spyway
We recognize the issue, and suggest that PC/NT discussions continue to attempt to alleviate the impact to the village and particularly the residents of Durnford Drove.
20 mph speed limit through village
We support this, and recommend that the PC continue to pursue this idea.
Cyclists Riding “Furiously”
We suggest adequately worded signage at West end of village. E.g. “Cyclists, Please Ride Slowly Through Our Village”. PC to discuss/agree. (end)