Parish Council Office, 1A The High Street, Langton Matravers, Dorset BH19 3HA 01929 425100

Village celebrates opening of new Community Playground

Members of the local community assembled in the bright sunshine on Monday 7th March for the formal opening of our new play area. Donors from local businesses and Aster Housing Association were present, and the Head Teacher of St George’s School. The ribbon was cut by Reuben and Amelia, two village children who attend the school. Chairman Cllr William Knight thanked everyone for their support for the project, explaining how it had grown from small beginnings back in 1984, and then a large excited group of children surged onto the equipment, making the most of all the new opportunities for active, imaginative play.  If you haven’t had a chance yet, come along and see for yourself !

Picture credits: Above: Swanage News. Below: Pete Christie